Your Septic Tank Maintenance Plan

A septic tank maintenance plan should include having your tank inspected every couple of years, using water and drains responsibly, and preserving the condition of your drainfield. The following tips will prevent sudden backflows of sewage inside of your home and will preserve the condition of the materials that your septic system is constructed of.

The Inspection

The amount of sludge that is within your septic tank and the water level within it will be assessed during a system inspection. This type of inspection should be conducted upon buying a home that had previous occupants. It should also be performed every couple of years as you continue residing in your residence.

The volume of water that you use and the amount of waste that is flushed down your toilets will have a bearing on how often you will need to have your septic tank pumped. During your initial inspection, a septic tank inspector can give you a timeframe in which you should seek a professional pumping session. Just because you do not encounter any septic issues within this timeframe does not mean that you should forego pumping services.

Responsible Water Usage And Disposal Efforts

Using less water within your home will reduce the likelihood of needing a premature pumping service. Responsible water usage should include regulating how long you leave the water running while washing dishes or bathing and being mindful of any water leaks within your home.

A slightly leaky faucet or a toilet that runs may not seem too problematic, but it could actually add many gallons of water consumption to your monthly consumption total. Have leaks inspected and repaired quickly. Separate oil and grease from other food waste and dispose of it. Avoid draining panfuls of grease down your kitchen sink drain and avoid dumping foreign materials into your toilets.

Drainfield Care

The drainfield surrounds your septic system. Water that is deposited into this region will be soaked into the ground and may eventually wind up in the septic system. Only plant grass seed or low-lying ground covers over the drainfield. Do not put any playground equipment, grilling equipment, or other weighted objects on top of the drainfield.

Inspect your gutter system, sump pump system, or any other drainage materials that you use and make sure that water will not be routed toward the drainfield. All water that is a result of excess runoff from your home's roof should be drained in the opposite direction of the drainfield.
